How to create the Labor Distribution report in Quickbooks

The labor distribution report is one of the most import reports that DCAA will require when auditing your Quickbooks system. It is also needed to reconcile labor costs to payroll and billings. The labor distribution report is not a standard report in Quickbooks and will need to be customized. This article will demonstrate how to create the labor distribution report in Quickbooks.

Step 1: In Quickbooks, go to Reports and click on Employees and Payroll then select Payroll Item details. 


Step 2: The Payroll Item Detail Report will open. To customize the Labor Distribution by Employee, click on Customize Report. 

Payroll Item Detail 1.PNG

Step 3: Scroll down the Columns box. Select only for (left margin), Date, Num, Name, Source Name, Account, Qty and Amount. In the Total by box select Employee.

Payroll Item Detail 2.PNG

Step 4: Click on the Filters tab. Select"Payroll Item" in the Current Filter Choices box, and then "Multiple payroll items". Select all payroll items that would be on a timesheet.

Payroll Item Detail 3.PNG

Step 5: Click on Header/Footer. Rename the report Labor Distribution by Employee. Click OK. Memorize the report to the DCAA folder as Labor Distribution by Employee.

Payroll Item Detail 4.PNG

Step 6: When you open the custom report, Labor Distribution by Employee, set the date range to the beginning and end dates of the payroll period to display the Labor Distribution report.

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